Effects of whale watching on the behavior of right whales

right whales brazil caipora instituto baleia franca

This study includes an assessment of the impact of whale watching on the behavior of the southern right whale(Eubalaena australis) and provides compelling evidence that this activity requires careful monitoring and regulation. The research conducted within the APA da Baleia Franca/ICMBio Marine Protected Area and supported by YAQU PACHA e.V. has provided invaluable insights that highlight the need for sustainable tourism practices.

While whale watching is a popular ecotourism activity, it has been shown to have significant impacts on whale behavior and welfare if not managed properly. Through careful observation and data collection, this study investigated the impact of whale watching boats on various aspects of cetacean behavior. Modern tracking technologies and behavioral analysis methods were used to quantify the extent of human disturbance to the natural behavior of these marine mammals.

The conclusive results of this assessment serve as an important basis for informed decisions regarding tourism management in the APA da Baleia Franca/ICMBio Marine Protected Area. It is imperative that stakeholders use this knowledge to implement targeted mitigation measures aimed at minimizing disturbance to southern right whales while providing an enriching experience for tourists.

This research makes an important contribution to the overarching goal of promoting sustainable coexistence between human activities and marine ecosystems. By recognizing the impact of whale watching and applying responsible management strategies, we can not only try to protect the whales, but also create new perspectives for the people who live in the area and have to coexist with the wildlife. In this way, we can preserve both biodiversity and the future of human populations.

The results of this project will be incorporated into Daiane Manholer dos Santos' master's thesis, which is currently being carried out at the State University of Maringá (UEM), Brazil. The project was supervised by Jonatas Prado and Arturo Andriolo.