Even in its native Chile, the Chilean dolphin (Cephalorhynchus eutropia) is only known to a few people.
With a body length of 1.6 m and a weight of around 60 kg, it is one of the smallest dolphin species and its back and sides are colored in different shades of gray. The belly is white and the beak is hardly pronounced. Flipper and fin are rounded.
Its distribution area extends from Cape Horn to Valparaiso and it prefers to stay in shallow coastal waters and bays and shows its loyalty to its location.
Chilean dolphins are quite shy and inconspicuous. The animals live in small but not stable groups of usually 2 to 5 individuals. Several groups often come together to hunt fish.
Almost nothing is known about migratory behaviour, social structure, food and reproduction.
The Chilean dolphin (Cephalorhynchus eutropia) lives along the open coast and in the Chiloé Archipelago, where they are found near dense human settlement and fishing activities, and their populations are in danger.
Bycatch in gillnets, direct catch to bait crab traps, intensification of aquaculture, as well as pollution and habitat destruction are the main threats.
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