Project »Bottlenose Dolphin«

Since 2005, YAQU PACHA has been supporting researchers at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande FURG in the implementation of a conservation project for a local population of Lahille's bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops gephyreus) in southern Brazil. Observations over the last few years have shown that the number of stranded dolphins has increased sharply. Most of the stranded animals showed injuries caused by fishing nets.

The aim of this dolphin project is to first investigate important biological parameters, such as life expectancy, population size, distribution and habitat use. Protective measures are to be taken on the basis of these results.

Although the worldwide bottlenose dolphin is one of the non-endangered dolphin species, there are numerous studies that show that in many countries local populations are threatened to varying degrees. In most cases, the danger comes from the fishing industry. Hundreds of dolphins get caught in the nets with deadly consequences. YAQU PACHA is convinced that this project has model character. The protection strategies successfully developed within the framework of this project can be implemented worldwide.

Lahille's Bottlenose dolphins Lagoa dos Patos Brazil

The Projeto Botos team – KAOSA and ECOMEGA FURG

On the project Lahille's Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops gephyreus) in the Lagoa dos Patos in Brazil, we are working together with the team of Projeto Botos – KAOSA and ECOMEGA FURG and in mid-January was the team's first outing in the 2023 season.

Project Bottlenose dolphin Kaosa Team Projeto Botos Brazil Brasil Ecomega FURG

Project Bottlenose dolphin team Projeto Botos Lagoa dos Patos Brasil Kaosa Brazil

Review: Research Boat

Since our biologists in Brazil urgently needed an inflatable boat with an outboard motor for their dolphin project for their research project (total costs: 16,000 EUR), we had decided for the BOOT 2009 trade fair to win project partners for this project in order to secure the financing of the boat. During the 9 days of the fair, we were already able to collect the proud sum of 11,500 EUR in donations for the research boat.

In June 2009, the time had come and our biologists were able to take delivery of their new research boat "Charlotte" and use it for the first time.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our project partners once again for their generous support in the procurement of the boat and the trust they have placed in us.

Biologists from our Latin America team are working on the protection of this dolphin species in cooperation with the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande FURG in Brazil.

Support the protection of this endangered, local dolphin population by making a donation or you can help us with our dolphin project.

Project La Plata Delfin | Project Manatee | Videos | 30 years of YAQU PACHA e.V. | Summary of a successful workshop | Volunteering in BrazilTeam Germany | Species Conservation | Scientific Advisory Board | Sotalia Dolphin | Project Sotalia Delfin | Animal species that YAQU PACHA is working to protect