Sotalia dolphin

The Sotalia or Guyana dolphin(Sotalia guianensis) is one of the smaller dolphin species and lives exclusively in South America along a narrow coastal strip from Honduras to Brazil. Because of its nearshore distribution, this species is heavily impacted by human activities. In Venezuela, the main distribution areas are the Orinoco River and Lake Maracaibo.

Sotalia guianensis Guyana dolphin

The World Conservation Union ( IUCN ) classifies the Guyana dolphin Sotalia guianensis as potentially threatened (NT) in its Red List. However, at the regional level, the species is classified as Vulnerable. Due to the increase in fishing activity along the entire range but also due to habitat destruction, it is feared that local populations are at risk of disappearing altogether in the future. Lack of monitoring and control has dramatically worsened the situation for these dolphin populations.

YAQU PACHA has been working with several partners to protect this dolphin species for many years.

Sea Otter | Project Se als | Project Amazon Dolphin | Chilean Dol phin | Project Bottlenose Dolphin | Species Protection | Tasks and Goals | Project Manatees | Species YAQU PACHA is working to protect | Expedition to the Inias in the Rio Casiquiare | Project La Plata Dolphin | La Plata Dolphin