LAJAM Journal SOLAMACLAJAM Journal | SOLAMAC - Research results are only useful in species conservation if they are published and available to professionals and specialized media.

Recognizing this need, YAQU PACHA has sponsored the printing of the English-language scientific journal LAJAM(Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals) since its 2002 publication year.

LAJAM has been published as an online publication since 2011 and is edited by SOLAMAC (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Especialistas en Mamíferos Acuáticos) and is aimed at researchers from Latin America and worldwide.

All issues of the LAJAM Journal can be found here:

Lajam Journal SOLAMAC

There is a new publication by our biologist Prof. Eduardo Secchi along with other scientists on the La Plata dolphin or Franciscana - Toninha(Pontoporia blainvillei) in the new LAJAM Journal.
This publication, which focuses on the Franciscana d olphin, provides a step-by-step guide to help researchers working on marine mammal conservation compile long-term stranding databases.
This work is fundamental to research in species conservation.
You can find this publication and other articles in the new issue of LAJAM Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals.

30 years YAQU PACHA e.V. | Summary of a successful workshop | Report on our workshop day 2 | YAQU PACHA Board | Environmental Education | Team Germany | Species Protection | Species YAQU PACHA is working to protect