Cooperation agreement with GEMARS in Brazil

Contract Gemars Yaqu Pacha Contrato Dr. Lorenzo von Fersen Federico Sucunza
Dr. Lorenzo von Fersen YAQU PACHA and Dr. Federico Sucunza GEMARS

At a meeting with our partners in Brazil, Dr. Lorenzo von Fersen signed a cooperation agreement with GEMARS on behalf of YAQU PACHA for collaboration in the areas of education, science, technology and culture.
Close cooperation with local organizations in South America is crucial for the successful implementation of our projects.
We also held talks with fishermen who are involved in our joint activities to reduce dolphin bycatch. Here, objects in the fishing nets (empty plastic bottles) are currently being tested so that the nets are recognized and avoided by the dolphins. This is a cost-effective alternative to acoustic signals (pingers).

Pescadores pesca fishing gemars brazil brasil

Gemars Yaqu Pacha group contrato Brazil Brasil
Daniel Danilewicz, Paulo Ott, Lorenzo von Fersen, Federico Sucunza