River dolphin project in Venezuela – Current measures

Inia Geoffrensis Venezuela Proyecto Sotalia River Dolphins

Last year, we started a project with PROYECTO SOTALIA to record the distribution of river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) in Venezuela with the help of satellite transmitters. The aim of the project is to obtain information on the movements of the animals and to identify priority areas for this species in order to develop concrete conservation measures.

As a result of climate change, periods of rain and drought have led to an increase in the number of strandings of river dolphins . For this reason, this year we have started to train local actors and employees of environmental institutions (capacity building) so that they can respond efficiently to these events in order to reduce the mortality of this endangered species.

We were able to conduct a training workshop at the facilities of El Hato El Cedral in the state of Apure. In this region of the Venezuelan lowlands, strandings are increasingly reported during the summer season. The event was therefore an opportunity to share experiences and provide appropriate tools to respond to these situations, which could increase due to climate change.

Workshop Taller Inia Geoffrensis Venezuela Proyecto Sotalia River Dolphins

Report PDF: YaquPacha_Reporte_HatoCedral_Mayo2024