Catering for our volunteers

To strengthen our teams in South America, we are regularly looking for and need volunteers. They already have previous professional knowledge and appropriate training and are important for the work in our species conservation projects. The goal of YAQU PACHA is to use these specialists in our projects in the long term.

New camera

Camera systems are indispensable for every research project. In our projects, these camera systems are mainly used to obtain accurate images for photo identification, but also to monitor the development of skin injuries over time. The dolphins are photographed and their dorsal fin/skin region is registered in the database and compared with existing images of the animals.

Drone DJI Mavic 3 Classic Research Drone

DJI Mavic 3 Classic Drone – New DJI Mavic 3 Classic Research Drone for Photo Shooting and Flight Counting
This modern drone system is equipped with a high-resolution Hasselblad camera and provides razor-sharp images of the animals. It is used by our team to monitor the behaviour and, in some cases, the fishing activities in the research area. The drone can be launched and landed from the research boat. High-resolution video recordings of the animals are also possible.

1 hour research boat

Observation and photo identification of Lahille's bottlenose dolphins in the Lagoa dos Patos in Brazil with our research boat Charlotte. These trips take place regularly and are very important for the registration of the population in the Lagoa dos Patos. The photo ID method is based on the distinguishing feature of the dolphins' dorsal fin, as it is different for each animal. In this way, individual animals can be identified and the total population can be estimated. With the help of a database, the animals can be recognized and sightings registered.

Flight Count Franciscana Dolphins Uruguay

A very important part of the conservation of La Plata dolphins is the flight counts – Aerial Surveys, which are carried out with aircraft with specially arched windows from which the animals are counted.

These flight counts were conducted along the coast of Uruguay in March and April 2023 and are crucial for determining the population of the La Plata dolphin in Uruguay.

In this way, population declines can be detected immediately, which is of great importance for a better assessment of the situation of the species. The results of the flight counts are exchanged with the partner institutions involved in the project. Regular aerial counts are important to detect population fluctuations and develop new strategies to protect this most endangered dolphin species in South America. A sharp decline, as has already been observed in some populations of the La Plata dolphin further north, must be considered alarming.

Beach Observation on the Brazilian Coast

The beaches on the Brazilian coast are regularly searched by our teams for stranded animals. Live animals are immediately brought to our wards in special transport boxes, where they are immediately given medical care and care. Dead stranded animals are also recovered to examine them and determine the cause of death.

Mobile water basin with filter system and pump system

These special tanks are urgently needed to care for and care for the rescued La Plata dolphins until they can be released back into a suitable habitat in the sea. The water basins are equipped with a high-quality filter system and a pump system. This is the only way to achieve optimal water quality for the animals, which is crucial for the survival of La Plata dolphins. The stay of the animals until recovery lasts several weeks to months. The animals must be cared for around the clock until it is ensured that they can lead an independent life and are no longer dependent on human help.

Transport boxes for La Plata dolphins

In these special transport boxes, the stranded and rescued La Plata dolphins can be taken to the rehabilitation station, where they are immediately examined and treated according to the injury. Transport is carried out with our research vehicles, which we also use to carry out beach checks.

Veterinary care

Crucial for the survival of the stranded and rescued La Plata dolphins is continuous veterinary care and care. Any deterioration in health must be detected immediately and treated accordingly by specially trained veterinarians.

Medication for treatment of La Plata dolphins

This corresponds to the weekly medication costs to have a rescued La Plata dolphin treated by specially trained doctors. Regular administration of the medication is crucial for the dolphins' survival.

Milk for La Plata dolphin calves

A daily ration of the special rearing milk for a La Plata dolphin. This is a special rearing milk for dolphin calves and newborns, which is very high in calories and ensures an adequate supply of the dolphins even in small quantities. Since the stomachs of La Plata dolphin calves are very small, only small amounts of this milk can be fed. The animals are fed at short intervals with this special milk, which we have to source from the USA and import to South America.