On the weekend of September 7 and 8, 2024, YAQU PACHA was invited to 2 species conservation days. On Saturday, Aquazoo Düsseldorf invited us to their species conservation day and many visitors came and we had many interesting conversations about our work and our species conservation projects in Latin America. We were also able to sell many upcycling products, which were made by the company Plup from tarpaulins from the renovation work at the Aquazoo. We would also like to thank the donors, as we were once again pleased to receive numerous donations in our donation box. Of course, 100% of all proceeds go towards our projects, as we all work on a voluntary basis. The YAQU PACHA information stand at Aquazoo Düsseldorf was organized by Jolana and Mike Meister and thanks to the support of Sandra Honigs everything was perfectly prepared.
On Sunday, YAQU PACHA was invited to the Species Conservation Day at the Karlsruhe Zoological Garden. This was the first time we had been invited and of course we gladly accepted. The weather was changeable, not too warm and actually perfect for a visit to the zoo and we had a lot of visitors at our YAQU PACHA information stand. The zoo had designed a species protection passport for the children especially for the species protection day and at each stand the children were allowed to take a sticky picture with an animal species and stick it into the passport. The children were enthusiastic about collecting pictures. We had the manatee at our stand as a stick-on picture. There were many interesting conversations with the visitors and it was great to see that the children were also interested in our work and our numerous species conservation projects. Each family also received an information brochure from us with a link to the children's section on our website. The YAQU PACHA information stand in Karlsruhe was run by Stefan Wiessmeyer with the active support of Sandra Dollhäupl, who and her team prepared the species conservation day perfectly.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Aquazoo Düsseldorf and the Karlsruhe Zoological Garden for inviting us to the Species Conservation Day and we look forward to returning next year.