Specialist training, Pantanal 2022

Report by Maria Jimena Valderrama, veterinarian, from our partner organization Fundación Omacha

Thanks to Yaqu Pacha, I was able to travel from Bogota to Pantanal, Brazil, to participate in the 10th International Training Course for Wildlife Work, organized by the Tamandua Institute, for which I received a scholarship from FINN (Foundation for International Aid Animals).
During this course, I deepened my knowledge and skills for wildlife management in the wild. From capturing and sampling, clinical assessment and field monitoring of different wildlife species to in-depth discussions on animal health.
In addition, this meeting of different professionals working in conservation in Latin America was a place to discuss ideas, share knowledge and experiences to develop and strengthen strategies that address all the problems that arise in conservation medicine today.

Specialist training Pantanal
Specialist training Pantanal 2022